From Imagination to Installation
When you form a partnership with Bamal Corporation, you harness design and supply capabilities backed by over 55 years of experience across a wide variety of industries. Minimal cost, efficiency in assembly and outstanding performance are the driving factors behind our product development process. Our engineers will work with your product development team to create and deliver the correct part to fit your exact needs. From a simple part re-design to black-box construction, Bamal’s engineering team has the expertise and technology to provide a solution tailored precisely to fit your assembly needs.
More than 60% of the products we supply are specifically tailored to individual customers in terms of design, materials, finishes, and packaging. Bamal’s exposure to multiple industries that employ varying product strategies allows us to provide a diverse offering of product design concepts and services to you.
Our VA/VE service offerings include, but are not limited to:
- Part Number Consolidation/Elimination Programs
- Materials Analysis
- Finish Analysis
- Product Tear Down
- Line Evaluations
- Joint Tear Down and Analysis
- Obsolescence Elimination